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Ready to Enroll in Medicare

Even if you still receive health care coverage through an employer, you may still need or want to enroll in Medicare. You may do so during the 3 months before and no later than 3 months after your 65th birthday. It's essentially a 7 month window of opportunity - however, failure to sign up could result in a penalty for the duration of your Medicare coverage. If you contribute to an HSA, enrolling in Medicare Part A may prohibit you from making future HSA contributions. It is important to speak with your local Medicare office or a licensed agent when making these decisions.

If eligible due to a disability, Social Security/Medicare should contact you prior to your 24th month of disability or sooner.

You May Apply for Medicare by:

If you are already receiving Social Security benefits, you should be automatically enrolled - however, it is best to make sure by contacting the Social Security Office.

If you have questions, call the Licensed Insurance Agents at Your Health Insurance Shop and we will be glad to help.


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Turning 65? Make sure to eroll in Medicare in time!

Other Insurance

In addition to supplemental insurance for those who are eligible for Medicare, we offer a variety of products of interest These include:

For more information on supplemental insurance for Medicare or on our specialized insurance products, call us today at 800-491-3642.
